Descarga Adventures in Python de Craig Richardson Libro PDF
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Adventures in Python de Craig Richardson
Descripción - Reseña del editor The complete beginner's guide to Python, for young people who want to start today Adventures in Python is designed for 11-to 15-year olds who want to teach themselves Python programming, but don't know where to start. Even if you have no programming experience at all, this easy to follow format and clear, simple instruction will get you up and running quickly. The book walks you through nine projects that teach you the fundamentals of programming in general, and Python in particular, gradually building your skills until you have the confidence and ability to tackle your own projects. Video clips accompany each chapter to provide even more detailed explanation of important concepts, so you feel supported every step of the way. Python is one of the top programming languages worldwide, with an install base in the millions. It's a favourite language at Google, YouTube, the BBC, and Spotify, and is the primary programming language for the Raspberry Pi. As an open-source language, Python is freely downloadable, with extensive libraries readily available, making it an ideal entry into programming for the beginner. Adventures in Python helps you get started, giving you the foundation you need to follow your curiosity. * Start learning Python at its most basic level * Learn where to acquire Python and how to set it up * Understand Python syntax and interpretation for module programming * Develop the skills that apply to any programming language Python programming skills are invaluable, and developing proficiency gives you a head start in learning other languages like C++, Objective-C, and Java. When learning feels like fun, you won't ever want to stop so get started today with Adventures in Python. Contraportada Ready to learn Python programming? This is the place to start! Python is one of the top programming languages worldwide, a favourite of Google, YouTube, the BBC, and Spotify, as well as the primary programming language for the Raspberry Pi. Learning Python is a great way to get into programming, and this book makes it easy and fun. No programming experience? No problem! Adventures in Python walks you through ten projects that explain the fundamentals of programming in general, and Python in particular, with clear, simple instructions. As you master the basics, new skills are introduced. Video clips with each chapter provide more information about important concepts. Before you know it, you'll have the confidence to tackle your own projects. Some of the things you'll learn are: Navigate basic computer programming concepts Learn the fundamentals of Python through fun and engaging examples Understand the Python programming language so that you can make your own ideas come to life Create your own images, animations, and GUIs with the power of programming Create a fun two-player game to play with your friends To make your Python adventure even easier, the companion website at includes helpful videos for each chapter and other useful information. Once you know how to use Python, you'll also have a head start on learning other programming languages, such as C++, Objective-C, and Java. Let's get started! BiografÃa del autor Craig Richardson is a software developer, freelance writer, and former teacher with plenty of classroom experience. In his spare time, he has introduced hundreds of beginners to programming through his fun and engaging Python workshops and resources.
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: Adventures in Python
- Autor: Craig Richardson
- Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Ordenadores y tecnologÃa
- Tamaño del archivo: 14 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
LIBRO Adventures in Python de Craig Richardson PDF ePub
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